Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Have You Seen Me?

Have you seen me? I have eyes so dark you can't see my pupils. They are beautiful to my mommy and don't miss a thing.

My hair is brown and has finally grown so long that now I have a cute little bob. My mommy likes to put things in my hair. I think it is fun, too. But just for a little while.

My fingers are long and graceful. They are probably the most amazing thing on my body. I have excellent fine motor skills and hold a fork nicer than anyone else in my family. I like to make sure my fingers are kept busy all day long. I wish my mommy knew this was better than sticking them up my nose. Well, I did just stick that Tic Tac way up my nose, but most of the time they are exploring other things.

My body is very strong and I amaze everyone with my incredible diving somersaults. I can hang on a bar and raise my toes up to touch it, too. I love to dance, but sometimes I don't want you to watch.

My smile is like the sun. It just warms my mommy's heart every time I grin at her. She knows I don't smile at just anything so when I do, it really comes from the heart.

So have you seen me? My mommy was lucky enough to see me tonight while I was falling asleep. I'm pretty sure I looked like a sweet angel.


Blogger darlene said...

Lyvi is so precious and such an addition to your family. Her picture is so cute and your description adorable.

7:17 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Love this post! She has just grown up so much- just a cute little girl!

10:03 AM  

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