Jonathan's football season is off and running. This is the best coach we have had. He is SOO into the game, teaching the boys excellent skills and working them like crazy. He is also the first coach that hollers (in that lovable coachable way.) I heard, "What are you all doing?!?!?! We are better than this!!!", come screaming out of his mouth moments after I thought it. I also love, love him because he doesn't believe in them starting tackle until middle school. My hero.
Last Saturday Jonathan obviously misunderstood some aspect to working the defensive line. His great coach saw the problem and at practice this week explained exactly when he can start moving where so it will be interesting to see if the new info can be put to good use at the next game.
The game started out with hom some missing some flags, but after a halftime talk from the coach, Jonathan caught an interception!
The defensive couch heaps praise on Jonathan -- sometimes they are more excited than the kids, but their enthusiasm is infectious.
I can't help but root for the other team when it has some girl power going on. This is my friend's daughter. She is also at school with Jonathan and she is proud of this great touchdown picture. She wants to be the first female football player on the University of Texas football team. Too cool!
You have been busy catching up on posts to the blog. I love reading all about your family -- so different and yet so like other families. Just keep on enjoying every moment because it really is over too soon. :-)
(yelling, kindly) Way to go, Jonathan!!!!
Go for it, friend's daughter!!!!! Truly hope she has some more worthy and less burly goal when she gets old enough, but definitely something that rattles a "man's job"!!
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