Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Painful First

Little Lindsay had her first disparaging event with friends at school. While I'm sure little things have gone on, figuring out the playgroup politics has gotten a bit tougher in 1st grade than in Kinder.

Bedtime chess has changed a bit in our home. Considering there are four munchkins to send to dreamland, I think we actually do a really good job of reading and one-on-time before bed. We finally got a bed set up in Lindsay's room and I found the yummiest ruffled sheets. For three years, she has been sleeping in Jonathan and Dylan's big room, which was great, but the call of the frilly has brought her home to the pink girly room. Now she is wanting me to lay down with her after the lights go out, which does put a cramp in MY waning bit of quiet time before I go to bed.

On this night, she was just collapsing before bed and butting heads with Daddy for some crazy reason -- fortunately not normal behavior! I came up and got in bed with her and she just clung to me. After crying for a little while she finally told me how it was the worst day of recess EVER! There was litany of things wrong, but the gist of it was that she couldn't find anyone to play with and Parker ignored her and she can't be good at anything so she just sat and dug a hole in the ground.

After that last statement, my mind was filled with images of a loner goth girl wandering around high school digging holes in the dirt so action must be taken! The best part of the whole incident is that she didn't continue to bemoan her playground fate, she really listened to my ideas, which I delivered in such a stellar manner she pretty much thought they were her ideas (excuse the boasting, but parents have to be their own cheerleader!) She finally decided to take a ball to school the next day so she would have an instant kid magnet. Also, next week we will go up to school after hours and practice these monkey bar things that the girls like to do, but Lindsay hasn't mastered. (This idea floored her -- gotta say it again - pure genius on my part!)

Boy, holding my precious little package as she sobbed and actually shared her personal tragedies will be enough to keep me coming back for more of this new nighttime ritual. If that is when she is ready to talk and share, I'll be there.

The report home after the first day of school was that it was a GREAT idea. Actual stories about recess sounded a bit Lord of the Balls to me since some kid kept knocking the ball out of her hand and running off and I'm sure Lindsay took charge since she was the ball owner, but hopefully she wasn't too bossy. She set ground rules, but they sounded fair (each kid got 5 tries to throw the ball in the basket.) Most important is that she thought it was successful and felt in control at recess.


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