Thursday, August 02, 2007

More Living Options

ALL this would be ours -- I loved it! I guess there are a few drawbacks - the mosquitoes, which you can't have because of Dengue fever and the lack of neighborhood feel and possibly neighbors. There is a small pool that we might have to enclose.

Lots of windows like these in the master bedroom. Two walls of them in the living room that completely open.

There is a pool, lots of room to park the car and a children's park around the corner. You would think that I could meet neighbors at the park, but this area is so exclusive that only maids take the children to the park. I love all the room though how would I furnish it? The idea was to simplify life a bit for two years.

After seeing the first property, Lindsay got sick so Jason took three of the kids to the hotel and Jonathan and I continued on. We saw a 6000 sqaure foot home. Again, I thought I was only going to need to furnish an apartment!

The place with an elevator/lift was really big, too. However, Jason and I decided that neighborhood feel should be the #1 priority. Another place was like a home with a yard, but it was too far out.

One last look at a fun impractical place though! This was was beautifully modern and the lap pool ran along the side of the house. Jonathan is standing where the kitchen table would go. Really lovely how all the windows open big.

Really it was only impractical because it was located SOO far from the city. There were a number of places we saw that would be great, but we just need to pick them up and move them somewhere else in the city.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bless your hearts! I imagine it being difficult to commit to a living space for 2 whole years and far from home when it's not easy to fully understand what it's like to actually live there full time with kids, schools, bugs, grocery needs, and all.

Wishing you wisdom and peace with your decisions. May the wrong doors close!

Blessings and hugs - Barbara :D

5:33 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Gotta check out Ikea Singapore... :)

8:01 PM  

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