Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Singapore Bound!

Word from the HR department is that Jason's papers are sailing through the channels. I think this is finally feeling real for Jason. Maybe because he works there he knows all the things that can go wrong. I can say that because he reminds me constantly! For me, it felt real the minute Jason said there might be a job opportunity in Singapore! I went straight into project mode. For awhile we thought we might also have China as a potential base in Asia. While living in China would be a great opportunity for us since Lyvi is from there and we obviously love the culture, it seems that the choice has been taken off the table. Jason would spend too much time in the air. His job is in Singapore, Malaysia and India. So, we will have to make special trips to China while we are there -- I think it is about a 6 hour trip to the southern parts.

Decisions, decisions -- Now we are trying to get some plans in place for our stuff. It breaks me a bit, but we did decide to keep the rolling mom machine. My mini van isn't worth much these days so it would make more sense to keep the devalued car instead of Jason's truck for the next two years. I was so looking forward to selling the van, but really only because the windows don't work (SOOO annoying). The inside isn't too bad considering the punishment it has been put through. The outside is fortunately silver -- seems to camouflage the MANY dents and dings that all of my cars somehow end up with.

My dad said he would take farmdog Sadie, but we still need to find a home for Oliver -- Ollie boy. Oliver is too slow moving for my dad on the farm so hopefully we can find someone who wants a sweet companion dog. He is not very active, but we did just find out he has an ear infection. Maybe that has been the problem for the last few months. We thought he was going deaf, poor guy.

The sad thing for us is that we can't seem to get our farmhouse finished so we can enjoy the place before we leave. It always seems to be six more weeks before it will be completed. The torrential rains in Texas certainly don't help the situation either. My MIL is moving to a much smaller home on the range so at least she is generously sharing some of her excess so I don't have to spend a lot of time finding furniture and things once it is ready for occupancy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying "way will open" as Corrie TenBoom wrote. I cannot imagine all there is to handle between now and your departure date.

Long ago I had a book called "Dropping Out" written by a woman who, with her husband, left home behind to move overseas for a few years. It's a great book, full of helpful information, been-these-done-that and this did or didn't work, plus suggested timetables for when to handle what. It may be worth your effort to locate a copy. Hope your departure isn't so imminent that the book would be of little good. Come to think of it, that couple didn't have any kids to plan for. Oh, and the book was written a decade or so before all of the security laws...

Hope the many items on the to-do list never outweigh the happy anticipation of the adventure ahead!

Grace and peace - Barbara :D

2:15 PM  
Blogger henna's hearsay said...

Thanks for the book idea -- I couldn't find it so let me know if you remember the author.

At the moment we are trying to get rid of as much as possible -- I'm sure it is never as much as we should, but it does feel good to begin shedding all this stuff that keeps us preoccupied!

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are SO lucky!!!
I graduated from Singapore American school in the 80's and it is fabulous place to live!
Have fun.
LID May 15, 2006 for Julie in China

1:45 PM  

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